General group course

General Russian (Advanced C1) has been designed for students who have achieved an Upper-Intermediate level of Russian, with the aim of enabling them to integrate fully (both linguistically and culturally) into a Russian language environment. Study of idiomatic, literary and specialised language and vocabulary is combined with discussion of Russian culture or areas of special interest. Perfection of pronunciation, as well as reading and writing skills for specific/professional purposes, is an integral part of the course, and there is the option of adapting the course in accordance with personal or professional interests.

course summary

Course Schedule 5 - 10 academic hours/week for 12-24 weeks (please note that this course is usually available as individual tuition only)
Hours of study required to complete level 120 academic hours of classroom-based tuition, plus homework
Course Book

Window on RussiaP.2 by L. Skorokhodov, O. Khorokhordina (SPb, 2004)

Practical Russian Stylistics by A. Vasilieva (M, 1989)

Lexika russkogo iazyka by E.Amiantova (M, 2006)

A living Russian Grammar Part 3 Advanced by L.Grushevskaia, N.Bitehtina (CREF-R, 2009)

Writing an essay by D.Kolesova, (SPb.,2006)

Supplementary Materials Articles from magazines and newspapers, DVD and audio recordings as selected by the teacher.
Progress and Assessment Regular revision exercises, vocabulary quizzes and evaluations
Follow-up Study Further Advanced level Russian courses may be undertaken, with different specializations

Key Lexical and Grammar Points

  • Word formation and structure of nouns, adjectives and participles
  • Specific difficulties concerning agreement (of case, gender, number etc.) in Russian grammar
  • Temporal constructions of an advanced lexical level
  • Expressing reasons and degree/extent (исходя из чего, по мере того как, до какой степени)
  • Lexical word stems, differences in meaning between words with the same stem (мировой- мирный- мирской)
  • Various nuances of meaning of verbal prefixes (уговорить-проговорить-оговорить)
  • Study of the nuances in meaning and use of synonyms (e.g. тяжело-много- сильно)
  • Use of idioms in contemporary Russian
  • Differences in style between written and spoken Russian

Optional Specialized Fields of Study

Students may choose to deepen their knowledge in their own personal fields of interest by selecting one of the following specialized courses on offer:

  • Difficulties of Literary Translation
  • Business Russian
  • Complexities of Russian Grammar
  • The ‘Silver Age’ of Russian literature
  • History of Intellectual Thought in Russia
  • Language of Stage and Screen
  • Language of the Mass Media
  • Particularities of Phonetics and Intonation in Russian speech
  • Russia since Perestroika
  • Practical Stylistics of the Russian Language.

Starting soon

Group Schedule Starting from Hours per week Places (vacant) Teacher


Group Schedule Started from hours per week Places (vacant) Teacher
General group course Offline July, 1 2024 6 7(4) apply online


Molly Dickson, 06.06.2019

The course has helped me massively and has improved my confidence +sills. Helped to improve my memory + recall. I liked: the organization, lessons, conversational practice especially. Would like to change: more interaction with other students + groups, let me know before about paying for Wi-Fi and washing in my host. Read more

James Philips, 06.06.2019

I have enjoyed the course. The teachers have been amazing, friendly and really helpful. I feel that my tethers delivered brilliant classes, that were varied and challenging.  My level of communicating has improved and my comprehension has also. Read more

Sara-Jane Slaymaker, 06.06.2019

I fell more confident with my Russian. I liked that the teachers spoke mostly in Russian; this has helped me to understand almost everything the teacher has said in Russian. The homework exercises were useful in improving my grammar. I enjoyed the tasks and liked that we were encouraged to speak more. My host Tatiana Andreevna is wonderful. Please can we have more social activities and integration with other Russian students? Read more

Work-Study Programme, Katherine Miller's reference, 04.06.2019

I really liked all the teachers I had. They motivated me to want to learn and perfect my Russian. They were supportive, helpful and very knowledgeable. It was great having both group and individual because in group I got to gain a solid base and refined it with the individual lessons.

I didn't know any Russian when I got to Moscow and 10 months later I am confident in my ability to communicate with Russians. The communication-intensive courses were incredibly work. Read more

Ronaldo Reyes Morales, general director of «Caterpillar Logistics Services International», 04.06.2019

On behalf of Caterpillar Logistics Services International LLC, Ronaldo Reyes would like to express his respect and to thank you for your well-timed and high-quality provision of educational services.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff at Language Link, and especially to Irina Cherepanova for the wonderful lessons packed with interesting material, and for her conscientious attitude to work. Read more

Jerome Brun, Sales & Marketing Director Imperial Tobacco Sales & Marketing LLC, 04.06.2019

In the past 18 months, I have had the opportunity to learn Russian with Ms Olesia Kharina and despite the inherent difficulty of the language for a foreigner, it has been a very effective, very exciting and quite enjoyable experience. Read more

Enrique Fernandes, Commercial Director at M.Video Management, 04.06.2019

Olesya has the best personal and professional skills to be an outstanding teacher of Russian for foreigners:

Her know-how on teaching Russian for beginners: appropriated methodology, good timing, balanced homework, results oriented.
Patient and tireless. She is able to repeat as many times as needed to achieve the results.
Professional, punctual and well-organized
I consider Olesya as the best profile in her profession. I strongly recommend her for any newcomer to the language of Dostoevsky. Read more

Eleanor Stokes, Jennifer Darcy Eleanor Stokes, Jennifer Darcy , UK 01.06.2019

We have thoroughly enjoyed studying Russian at Language Link. Lessons are well structured, organized and can be flexible to your needs. Without a doubt, Ira is the best teacher! Read more



General group course

Learning Russian will help you live a fulfilling life in Russia, free from depression and stress. You will understand what your secretary, driver and colleagues say. You will be able to travel by metro by yourself, go to the shops and dry cleaners, buy tickets (even with a discount!) for the theatre and museums, reserve a table at a restaurant and order your meal, talk to taxi drivers, police officers and nannies, watch TV shows in Russian, and much more. Russian will help you better understand the traditions, character and logic of “those crazy Russians”. You will be able to make toasts and laugh at jokes at parties with your Russian friends and colleagues. You will even fall in love with Russian winter.

start learning russian

start learning russian